Do you usually produce containers for objects? Do you know why they can help protect your collection? Its purpose is to provide the handling and protection of documents or books. Properly containers for cultural objects is one of the most effective ways to protect them from threats such as dust, insects and moisture. Collection containers can be made from a variety of materials, depending on the type of object and the level of protection required.
For more sensitive materials, such as fabrics and papers, it is recommended to use acid-free paper packaging and quality plastic materials, while for more robust objects, such as sculptures and furniture, it is possible to use other resistant materials. In addition to protecting against external threats, packaging also allows for better temperature and humidity control, preventing damage caused by climate change. There are several types of materials to use, and what we're going to show you today is an example of containers using polyester. This material is obtained through the polymerization reaction of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. Its main characteristics are good tensile strength, good dimensional stability, excellent barrier to gases, chemical resistance to oils and fats, excellent optical properties, high transparency to gloss, good thermal resistance and no odor. Conservators love all these qualities!! Some other properties of polyester are: encapsulation, clear jackets for books, lining for drawers, photographic films, microfilm base and roll. We share here the video produced by the Department of Rare and Special Works Collections (DeCORE) which shows an example of making a simple package for storing documents, known as a polyester jacket.
Do you want to know how to create conservation units of different levels? 😍 In our new course "Development of Packaging for Three-Dimensional Materials", Profa. Nóriko Nishimura will explain which tools we can use to create conservation units, in addition to proposing special and alternative materials for creating different types of containers! Meet the prof. Nóriko Nishimura Palomino in our welcome video here:
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